Whatever your skin type, specific factors might trigger or lead to oversensitivity: Your skin reacts strongly when you’d rather it didn’t…

What is acne ?
The beginning of acne which means the start of puberty; from overactive oil glands that produce too much sebum to an increase in sex hormones during this important time in life.
It is a widespread disorder since acne affects 83% of girls and 95% of boys…since its progress is unpredictable, from almost spontaneous healing to lingering, its treatment should be taken seriously and be specific..
Stages of acne...
Hyperseborrhea: The first stage in all types of acne. Too much sebum production: The skin is shiny and small pimples appear.
Retentional acne: The sebum build up in the follicle leads to the formation of open comedones (blackheads) or closed (whiteheads).
Inflammatory acne: Bacteria proliferation (Propionibacterium acnes) as the hair follicle breaks inside the dermis; red pimples (papules) followed by pustules (filled with pus) appear.
Nodulocystic acne: Swelling and inflammation of the sebaceous glands lead to the formation of oozing nodules.
Medications: Specific treatment for each stage of acne
Light acne: Topical comedolytic treatment (help loosen blackheads) or topical antibiotics to fight inflammation.
Moderate acne : When topical treatments are not enough, an oral antibiotic treatment must be added. Be very careful about sun exposure (sensitization risk): You must “photoprotect” your skin. Ask your physician for advice.
Severe acne : The use of Isotretinoin is usually necessary. It is prescribed by your physician since it involves severe caution, particularly in relation to contraception. Usually, results are spectacular.
Dermo-cosmetic products:
Your dermatologist or pharmacist can recommend cleansing and moisturizing products formulated for your skin type and disorder.
A few product guidelines:
Gentle products to protect your skin
Moisturizing or emollient products to address skin dryness issues resulting from certain treatments
“Non-comedogenic” products to help prevent the appearance of new blackheads
... and generally, products specifically formulated for acne-prone skin.